I was just starting this post as there was an almighty flash and hideous thunderclap outside my window. The dog started barking and Mrs Green and I checked for damage but all seemed ok.
When I returned to my writing I discovered that we no longer had the internet. In between dusting and hoovering, which are today's allotted tasks I found time to ring my service provider who despite promising a thirty minute wait answered immediately. While I was following labyrinthine instructions designed to identify the problem the internet returned as if it had never been away.
For this reason I will keep my offering short today.
In his first outing as Foreign Secretary Boris got confused between Egypt and Turkey, which might be a problem if he didn't have someone else to make his travel arrangements for him. Otherwise they are both foreign and islamic so what's the beef?
Mrs May had her first PMQs as PM and by all accounts was just like Thatcher reborn. It was as I had feared. God help up one and all, to bastardise Tiny Tim.
Owen Smith told us he has never used Viagra. If that is the level of political debate we can expect for the next couple of months, I might just kill myself now. He's 46 for god's sake. He shouldn't need Viagra and if he does he is hardly going to admit it is he?
Jeremy Corbyn has won the right to be a co-defendant next Tuesday when Michael Foster's attempt to have him removed from the ballot paper unless he gets 51 nominations is due to be heard. If he loses then the Labour Party will find itself with a new leader called Owen Smith. for whom no members will have voted. Just like the Tories then. Democracy in action.
I had hoped to discuss alternatives to Trident today but I don't really have the time to do it justice so I will leave it for another day.
Instead I will now go out for my walk. The rain has stopped, the sun is shining, guess there's nothing more to say (with a nod to Pink Floyd and 'Time').
Love Tim xx
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