Just a short blog today.
I came to the realisation last night that in my case, and I suspect in the cases of many others, this self isolation thing make not make any difference.
The government, it seems are quite prepared to sacrifice a small proportion of the population to help bolster up the economy. There is much talk of ending the lockdown and for people like me, even if I continue to stay at home it may kill me.
At present the experts, so derided by the likes of Gove, but nevertheless frequently referenced by Hancock, are not clear whether having had a dose of Covid-19 confers immunity. In other words can you catch it more than once? The initial barbaric policy of establishing herd immunity by letting those susceptible die off leaving only those with immunity conferred by infection to inherit the earth, or at least the Home Counties is predicated on the fact, or rather the hope, that you can indeed only catch it once. Conventionally herd immunity is achieved, not by some Darwinian eugenicist's wet dream, but by mass immunisation. And we don't yet have a vaccine. We may never have a vaccine. Who knows what the future holds unless Russell Grant just isn't saying.
The plan seems to be to end lockdown in stages, releasing those deemed less vulnerable first, in the hope that gradually life will return to normal. Those deemed more at risk will be expected to remain at home for some considerable time. So far, so reasonable, but this must mean that personal contact outside the home will increase, exposing those who have been deemed low-risk to a greater likelihood of contracting the virus, and consequently spreading it to those still in isolation with whom they have contact. At present activities such as food shopping are carefully regulated and social distancing is well observed, at least round here. Would that continue? Could that continue?
When you are a kid and things go pear shaped, the grownups step in.
Mummy. Where are the grownups?
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